Making Room // Pinelake Oxford

Making Room is a 24-month initiative to make room for more people and more life change.

Where We Are in the Journey to Making Room

Since Pinelake Oxford launched in August of 2015, we’ve seen families and college students alike ready to receive the message of Jesus. From the beginning, we’ve been making room at Pinelake Oxford. As our Sunday morning attendance has continuously grown, we’ve added more worship services and rearranged walls to accommodate more people. We want to make room for as many people as possible to experience life change in Christ.

God continues to expand our influence for His glory throughout our state, and we want to faithfully respond by making room. For the past two years, we have been asking God to make room: in our vision for our part in His kingdom, in our hearts for more people, and financially for ministry expansion. Since then, we’ve seen Him bring story after story of life change.

One Story at a Time

Through Making Room, we’ve seen over a 1000 stories of life change take place. Each one of these stories is represented by a carabiner hanging from our Making Room sign. We’ve been able to minister to more than 19,000 of Mississippi’s prisoners through LOVEfirst, and we’ve served the Delta through children’s day camps and by constructing the Hope Center, which will serve on-going needs in the community.



Is God calling you to a spiritual step?


Who is God leading you to add to your spiritual chain?


How can you live with generosity toward God’s kingdom plans?

God can use you in ways beyond what you think if you’re willing to let Him.

We all have a part in Making Room in Our House


Total Making Room Goal



We officially closed on 12 acres of land off Highway 314 across from FNC Park and just minutes from The Square in Oxford. This beautiful tract of land provides the perfect location for a future permanent home for our growing campus. Thanks to the generosity of our Pinelake family we were able to pay for the land in full and remain debt free.

Phase 1: Purchase Property
Phase 2:
Building Construction

Consistent Growth Month After Month

Launched in August 2015

People in worship on Sundays


Children in Little Lakers and Pinelake Kids

Highest attendance since launch

People in worship on Sundays


Children in Little Lakers and Pinelake Kids

Impacting The Next Generation

Pinelake Students (middle and high school) began bi-monthly gatherings in January 2016 with 26 students and leaders. Today 75 people are gathering for worship, teaching and small groups twice a month.

250 college students

Actively engaged in a life-giving small group.

Reaching College Students

New Life Change Stories

92 people

Publicly professed their faith in Christ through baptism.

Since our launch in 2015, we have seen continuous growth.

What you can do now?

As we are faithful to respond to where God is leading we will see Mississippi continue to change one Life Change Story at a time.


This is an exciting time in the story of Pinelake Church, and we believe that God has opened new opportunities for us. Keep praying that God will transform lives, unify us behind His purposes and provide the resources we need to make this vision possible.


Learn more about Making Room by browsing through this website.


Tell people about it. Become an advocate for what God is doing through Pinelake and help others see how we need to make room in our hearts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pinelake has entered a season of incredible growth at all of our campuses. We believe God is calling us to make room in our hearts and in our facilities for our neighbors, friends and family members. To do so, we’re committed to a 24-month initiative we’re calling Making Room that begins on March 19, 2017. During this initiative, we’re asking God to work and provide through His people so that we can add space for students, children and families to hear the life-changing message about Jesus.

We need more space for our growing number of Little Lakers, Pinelake Kids and Pinelake Students. As a church, we are passionate about impacting the next generation and families in the Madison area, and Making Room allows us the opportunity to better serve this county.

Pinelake Madison has already fully funded Phase 1 of the project by giving $900,000 over our ministry expenses. Phase 2 will begin as soon as the funds are available to complete project.

In Phase 1, we’ll be adding eight additional Little Lakers classrooms that will hold around 100 more preschoolers each hour, for a total of 225. This compares to 125 in our current setup. We will also be adding a preschool worship space and converting an existing area into a Den for mothers of young children.

Currently, we have room for only 108 children per hour, which does not provide sufficient small group space on Sunday mornings. In Phase 1 of this initiative, we’ll be adding five new classrooms that will hold 64 children each hour, bringing our total to nine classrooms and space for 172.

We’re also making room for our staff with eight new offices, as well as adding two large multipurpose rooms for adult equipping classes.

Phase 1 will begin May 1 and will be completed in 4–6 months.

Yes. As part of Phase 2, our new Student Center will provide dedicated space for over 200 middle school students on Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. and high school students on Sundays at 5 p.m. This Student Center includes a basketball court, a recreational space with game tables and a multi-use area that can be used for small groups or large gatherings.

We will be upgrading the existing Theater that is shared by Pinelake Kids and Students; this will give them a much-needed upgrade for their worship experience and improve the audio/visual equipment and lighting. We’ll also be renovating the Commons to add an accessible entrance at the back of the building for the Student Center, a new entrance at the front of the building near the Theater and a covered drop-off on the Care Center side.

Phase 2 will take 3–6 months and will begin as soon as the funds are available to complete project.

We do not anticipate any changes to how most people come in or leave the building.